Welcome to pyetc documentation!

pyetc is a python based exposure time calculator developed for the WST project


pyetc.etc Module


asymgauss(ftot, l0, sigma, skew, wave)

compute asymetric gaussian

compute_sky(lbda1, lbda2, dlbda, lsf, moon)

compute Paranal sky model from ESO skycalc

fwhm_asymgauss(lbda, flux)

compute the FWHM of an asymmetric gaussian

get_data(obj, chan, name, refdir)

retreive instrument data from the associated setup files

get_seeing_fwhm(seeing, airmass, wave, diam, ...)

compute FWHM for the Paranal ESO ETC model

moffat(samp, fwhm, beta[, ell, kfwhm, ...])

compute a 2D Moffat image

peakwave_asymgauss(lpeak, sigma, skew[, dl])

compute the asymetric gaussian wavelength paramater to get the given peak wavelength

show_noise(r, ax[, legend, title])

plot the noise characteristics from the result dictionary

sigma2vdisp(sigma, l0)

compute sigma in A from velocity dispersion in km/s

update_skytables(logger, obj, name, chan, ...)

update setup sky files for a change in setup parameters

vdisp2sigma(vdisp, l0)

compute sigma in A from velocity dispersion in km/s



Generic class for Exposure Time Computation (ETC)

Class Inheritance Diagram

digraph inheritance49dbd63043 { bgcolor=transparent; rankdir=LR; size="8.0, 12.0"; "ETC" [URL="api/pyetc.etc.ETC.html#pyetc.etc.ETC",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="Generic class for Exposure Time Computation (ETC)"]; }